Freedom Philosophy Blog

Course: 3 Stages of Life after death

By March 13, 2022 December 27th, 2022 No Comments

Freedom Philosophy is pleased to offer this free on-demand course on the immediate three stages of life after death. 

It is broken up into thirty short, ‘easy to fit into your day’, lessons, which progressively answer the question that is on everyone’s mind (well almost everyone): “What happens when we die?” and as a result also touches upon what happens to young children when they die. 

Each lesson becomes available as the prior one is marked complete and the whole course can be done at the student’s own pace.
Please take stock as you go through the course and contemplate some of these questions as you progress to help you process what you learn:

  • What thoughts and feelings come up for you as you read this?
  • Does this confirm, or conflict with, your currently held beliefs? How so?
  • What changes for you in your approach to spiritual life?

It must be noted that this is merely a series of short extracts, taken from three chapters of a much larger body of work, and students are recommended to read the relevant books in full for further detail and context. 

This course is meant to highlight one aspect to introduce members of Freedom Philosophy to the topic, to Emanuel Swedenborg’s theology and to stimulate questions and further thought about what may be considered the one of the most significant topic in the eyes of spiritual warriors – what does happen?

It is highly likely this course will draw out many thoughts and questions. 

Students may find the material challenging and are therefore asked to keep an open mind, to pray and consider deeply what is presented before them.

You get immediate access to the Freedom Philosophy platform, so please connect with the FP community for further discussion and to ask questions. Share your ideas, thoughts and insights with the other students too in the course activity feed. After all, we are here to support each other to grow

To assist with learning, the material has been broken down into a number of small sections. Students can progress at their own pace as they wish, but are recommended to take time to contemplate the material before them, especially in light of its meaning for their own personal spiritual state of mind and inner growth.

One of the key verses of scripture the student is recommended to keep in mind and meditate on while going through the course is from the Sermon on the Mount, where our Lord, Jesus Christ says:

In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Matthew 7:12

Enjoy the course!


Cor Visser-Marchant

Cor Visser-Marchant

Spiritual life coach, author and host of Freedom Philosophy We are an online community of Christians seeking a deeper, more meaningful spirituality. Be part of something bigger!