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This is a selection of the quick courses on offer. Many courses are free of charge and with your donations we can continue to offer them and develop more. However, most of the value you gain from engaging with the rest of the community and putting into practice that which you learn. Within you will also find many articles, conversations, videos, books and other helpful content to explore.

10 Tips for Better Bible Reading

Short ten daily series with brief tips on meaningful bible reading (originally recorded Easter 2020)

The 3 essential keys to spiritual growth

Introduction to the 3 key and therefore sacred elements critical to your own spiritual growth.

Symbolism in Sacred Scripture

Discover the language of allegory & symbolism in the sacred scriptures to deepen your own bible knowledge.

Lectio Divina: an Introduction

Discover the ancient sacred practice of meditating on the Word in this short, but practical course.

The 3 stages of life after death

Find out what happens when we die in thirty short lessons extracted from the book Heaven and Hell.

The 5 Laws of Divine Providence

Delve into the 5 Laws that govern all creation and your spiritual life. Even God is bound to them!
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