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Climate Alarmism Debunked! Yes, Really!

By October 10, 2021 December 27th, 2022 No Comments

Stop worrying, the world is not doomed, nor overpopulated nor coming to an end, and certainly no need to feel guilty because you drive a car or put the heaters on. CO2 is critical to life and definitely not a polutant! (it is invisible for starters)

Don’t just believe the emotional hype and please take a moment to consider the need for critical science. Below is a short summary video version (22min) which can also be seen here, but if you have the time and interest I highly recommend the full presentation with my personal introduction and the full scientific explanations (1hr 36min) here:

Please share with others and make them aware!

It will challenge the mainstream narrative and provides clear scientific evidence from the leading experts in their field that there is no need for alarm. In fact, there is no concern at all!

So, why then the alarmist narrative in the media? In our scientific academia? In our industry? Simple: there is too much money and corruption involved. People are more vested in their income than the truth.

Blessings and peace to you. The truth will set you free!

Cor Visser-Marchant

Cor Visser-Marchant

Spiritual life coach, author and host of Freedom Philosophy We are an online community of Christians seeking a deeper, more meaningful spirituality. Be part of something bigger!