Freedom Philosophy Blog

As within, so without!

By January 18, 2022 No Comments

“The things in nature are nothing but effects; their causes are in the spiritual world.”

Emanuel Swedenborg

I know this to be true and the Scriptures tells us also that everything has its origin in the spiritual, such as “without me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) … “you cannot accomplish anything unless the Father allows it.” (John 19:11)(paraphrasing)

The natural is the result of the inner world. As within, so without. That is what makes the experience of a flu like symptoms, which I am currently experiencing with the rona, so fascinating.

I encourage you to watch the contagion myth presentation from the Weston Price Foundation I shared within the community (or find it here).

The intellectual understanding of this reality and the full trust in it, still has me a little at odds with myself perhaps. I am still very much attacking my symptoms as if they are invading parasitic antigens, and may I add, with the ongoing small frustration it doesn’t work as efficient and effective as I would expect and like.

Truth is, that while we operate through the physical and so all the various physical therapies must play a part, they ONLY do because they reflect and correspond to something spiritual. In other words, they represent a spiritual therapy for a spiritual issue.

In this then I currently wonder about two things predominantly:
Should I spend less time relying on treatments and more on mindful meditations, prayer and fasting? I believe so and would like to. This however, is a significant paradigm shift reversing ideas held for almost 5 decades. Perhaps I start small and build up.

The second thing I am thinking about is the common and global nature of such a collective experience. As individual disease is directly tied to spiritual disease we can make much easier conclusions. (eg people overweight because they hold on to things, people suffering parkinsons when they struggle making decisions etc..)

This is not always as obvious and easy, but it is there – always. I promise you!

Regarding common experiences of things like flu etc.., while also requiring a personal predisposition and equally personal spiritual cause, are much much harder to pin point. It is much closer related to a collective consciousness or a reshifting of relationships the spiritual realm. A progression towards maturity and a purging of old unhelpful ideas. I guess not unlike a bout of tonsilitis accompanying growth in vocabulary/understanding and manifesting its expression.

So why do we go through, nee do we need to go through this pretty average experience? I don’t know. Apart from realising a greater spiritual awakening and improved consciousness of reality as it is.

All I know is that The Lord Jesus Christ, our God is sovereign and fully in control. Divine Providence is within every minutia of the smallest of details and events gently guiding and nudging, while working in the best interest of our eternal welfare.

Blessings and Peace to you!

Cor Visser-Marchant

Cor Visser-Marchant

Spiritual life coach, author and host of Freedom Philosophy We are an online community of Christians seeking a deeper, more meaningful spirituality. Be part of something bigger!