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10 practical steps to resist the great enslavement of the human race

By January 22, 2022 April 19th, 2022 No Comments

“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely!”

Lord Acton

In my book on politics and classical liberalism “Message in a Bottle” I outline why centralisation and large government ALWAYS leads to problems and worse outcomes. The above quote from Lord Acton only touches upon one aspect, albeit quite accurately so.

I will never truly get why in an average BBQ conversation you cannot find a single person that respects or trusts politicians, nor someone that thinks government bureacracies are effective and efficient in making decisions. Rightfully so I may add, they are incapable, inept and deceiptful machines of manipulation and control focused merely on process and power, not geared towards actual outcomes. Yet, the same who understand this at your BBQ will quite happily comply with government directives no matter how stupid or fully trust their advise, no matter how nonsensical – even going so far as to turn on you as if you are the traitor. All quite bizarre.

We all know government is all about perception, rather than making a real difference. By this I mean institutionally, not reflecting on the intentions of ALL the individuals within the machinery of government. The same though, can also be said for very large organisations, which often only are able to exists on account of government regulations that preferentially benefit the big corporations that can afford compliance.

So this is where we find ourselves in 2022. A world, we’ve been warned about for decades, that centralises power and enpowers corruption. We are at the threshold of a totalitarian globalist world government, either direct or indirect enabled through technology and corrupt leaders of governments, bureaucracies and other institutions of influence. A global technocracy.

Alright then, some may be excited about having a chip implanted and have government track your every move. Some may wish a social credit system under which they can boast about their support for the communist party leadership, boast about their compliance and posture morally about their standing in this totalitarian world, where they are more equal than others. If you are such a stupid fool, then please politely bugger off and go sell crazy somewhere else.

The rest of you, please understand that you must push back. Fight and do not comply. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. Let me thus give you some practical steps – possibly quite obvious ones, but important.

  1. Pay cash, use decentralised crypto-currency, use silver or barter or do favours for the community in a cooperative way. This avoids tracking of your transactions and relationships. Moreover, electronic central currency is easily manipulated and taxed by stealth. The central banking system too is one of the worst systems keeping us all in debt.
  2. Buy local: local business, locally made, local ingredients from small communities or small family businesses as much as possible. Decentralisation is the key. The more we feed mega corporation profits, the worse the outcomes for us. Only need to look at how very large corporations throw their influence and money around to favour outcomes. Pharma has no liability, social media surpresses conservative opinions, governments ban certain products to favour political messages etc..
  3. Vote for fresh and novice politicians who are independent and have good principles and live with integrity. You want to avoid feeding a corrupt machine and career politicians, who have build deep networks of influence to favour despots and sell influence to corrupt elite. Political machines too do not favour independent thought, despite the wonderful marketing slogans. Until the people are ready to live together with an equal level of respect and tolerance for difference, I guess the system of authority with a ruling class will continue. Let’s try and minimise the damage by reducing it! Therefore too, ALWAYS VOTE AGAINST giving any goverment any more power than ordinary citizens! Always put globalist and statist politicians (ie those who like large government and socialist policies) LAST!
  4. Avoid getting into debt and stay free to pursue your passion! The world would be much better off if more people were engaged in their passions. This passion would also and automatically result in more happy people and better outcomes for everyone. This is especially important in a world where commercial banks simply create ‘money’ through fractional reserve lending practices. You borrow, they get richer! If you want to borrow, use family contacts and private arrangements over large commercial banking institutions.
  5. Think logically and do not by into emotional manipulation. Stay open minded, be vigilant and sceptical, pursue the truth more than anything else! A major source of unhappiness is unfulfilled desires. If you live in a fantasy world, rather than reality, you will always be disappointed. It is better to accept what is, just focus on controlling your own mind and try and live in peace and harmony with everyone else. Be in the moment, that way you can have joy now and in that enjoy the journey to what may be.
  6. Do not ever comply with directions or mandates that are questionable. Never outsource personal responsibility. For example, do not give the government responsibility for your health or your children. More importantly, do NOT EVER seek a government to dominate or control others into behaving in a way you want them to. If you believe the government is an instrument for you to use to control others, then you politely too can bugger off to sell crazy elsewhere – you hypocrite!
  7. Look after your own health and avoid the pharmaceutical based treatment options as much as possible. Prioritise a healthy body and healthy mind and avoid POISONOUS Chemicals as much as you possibly can! Drink pure water without chemicals. Grow our own food.
  8. Look into being independent as much as you can be. Be self-sufficient. Build a strong family and protect it. Turn off the tell-lie-vision, get off ‘main-stream’social media. Do your own research, ensure you understand why you hold an opinion. Do not just regurgitate what you hear in a newspaper or from someone else, especially bureaucrats. Most are incompetent and have no idea but what they are told. Many have never held a real job by adding real value to our lives. Harsh but true.
  9. Build communities of trust and find a way to add positive value to the lives of others. Be useful and productive. Talk to and work with your neighbours. Do not rely on government or police to interact, just connect and build meaningful relationships with your fellow human beings. Treat others as your neighbour! In everything, treat others as you yourself would want to be treated.
  10. Focus on your spirituality. Be clear about your values and purpose of life. Be strong in the knowledge of oneself and engage in fearless introspection. Seek to grow personally in knowledge and humility.

Whatever you like, it is encumbent upon you to fight for this and make it happen. There are two basic propositions: either be useful, constructive and contribute to the wellbeing of others ahead of oneself, OR, be dependent, consume and see what you can get out of live for the sake of self ahead of everyone else.

Only one path leads to your happiness and lasting state of inner peace.

Cor Visser-Marchant

Cor Visser-Marchant

Spiritual life coach, author and host of Freedom Philosophy We are an online community of Christians seeking a deeper, more meaningful spirituality. Be part of something bigger!